Eduardo Fano

Pig production has responded to the challenge of increased global demand for pork by a process of consolidation and increased size to capture benefits of economies of scale. Over the last 25 years the swine industry has evolved in order to increase production performance, health and animal wellbeing towards age segregated or multiple site production models. In general, it can be stated that the changes in production systems have produced a positive effect in the health status of pigs by improving the way we raise pigs today.


Eduardo Fano

Dr. Eduardo Fano received his DVM from the College of Veterinary Medicine, Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora, Mexico, in 1997 and later in 2000 his MSc. In 2007, Dr. Fano reiceved his PhD from the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota, USA.

Dr. Fano taught several years at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora, Mexico. His core courses evolved around the topics histology, epidemiology and swine diseases, as well as applied epidemiology in swine farms.

Moreover, Dr. Fano worked as a consultant is several farms located in central Mexico, as Research and Development Coordinator and as Director of Technical Service. Since 2012, Dr. Fano has been working for Boehringer Ingelheim as Technical Manager supporting the US Mycoplasma, PRRS and PCV2 team.

Dr. Fano published over 10 peer reviewed scientific publications on Mycoplasma and Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome. He wrote more than 35 abstracts in proceedings and was a speaker at several international conferences.



Pig production has responded to the challenge of increased global demand for pork by a process of consolidation and increased size to capture benefits of economies of scale. Over the last 25 years the swine industry has evolved in order to increase production performance, health and animal wellbeing towards age segregated or multiple site production models. In general, it can be stated that the changes in production systems have produced a positive effect in the health status of pigs by improving the way we raise pigs today.